last night was SUCH a good night. hope and i ended up watching "go ask alice" (william shatner was in it and was as butch as possible), complete with two bottles or really bad rose wine. so when we ran out of wine we wanted to go out and get more because, well, why not?
anyway, everywhere was pretty much CLOSED and stopped selling alcohol. so SOMEHOW we ended up in soho (hedonism and debauchery galore, HEEEYYYY!) and met a group of the cutest twinks you will ever meet in your life. they invited us up to drink and sing karaoke with them. after that we ended up at some TERRIBLE bar where hope accidentally broke a wine glass.
and then we ended up meeting this guy:

he was actually really cool and i'm hoping that we'll become the best of friends and he will have mad connections to people like russell brand (swoooon!) and lily allen.
ok, maybe i'll go to pride anyway. i'm sure everything is going to be going on in soho tonight.
i'm pretty sure this is why london is better than most other places.
i really wish i had photographic documentation - perhaps tonight?
omg now all i want to do is dress up ridiculously and listen to the pet shops boys all night long - nvrmind my stereotypes.
i'm dorian gray. (what?!)
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