For lunch today, I wanted Mac & Cheese, but realized there wasn't enough butter! I was about to give up and make a PB&Nutella sandwich, but turned around and saw a banana on the counter that started getting all black and wrinkly with old age. I was about to eat that instead, but saw a buncha pasta in our pasta canister. I was still in the mood for pasta/noodle/etc since I couldn't eat my mac&cheese, but this banana was looking pretty good too. It was at that perfect stage of sweetness - when the skin is a nice, bright yellow, but there are also little brown bits all over.

Anywho, I was conflicted because of my two cravings so in the end I just decided to make a banana sauce for the pasta. SUCCESS! It was delicious and I got the best of both worlds! 

I would show a picture, but it didn't look that good so nevermind. The only thing that ruined it for me was that while eating, I was watching Jon and Kate Plus Eight (Aaden, I love you). Aside from Kate's perennial, overbearing bitching, the producers thought it would be nice to show Kate's stomach POST-sextuplets and PRE-lipo. 

Feel free to go and vomit now. Granted, after 8 kids, one's stomach isn't exactly deific. Kate Gosselin was Octomom before Nadya Suleman for sure.

Speaking of Babies, watch this and try not to cry when Jarvis Cocker looks at you. Because I might've let a tear fall around 0:34. Jokes? Maybe. While you're at it, listen to Chairlift's cover of the same song. Bad quality, awesome song. And while we're STILL on the subject of Pulp and Jarvis Cocker, didja know that he was the lead singer of the Weird Sisters in the 4th Harry Potter movie?! Well, proof. Oh, dear - I think I'm in love!

In the meantime, go occupy yourself with these mediocre games on barbie.com. Be sure to turn off the sound though because otherwise you're just going to kill yourself.

b.t.dubs: My Sims addiction is not getting any better (or worse) and I think I'm going to break down and get the Pets expansion pack. I also need to start looking into external hard-drives because I have too much music on my computer and it's laggy, thus rendering my Simming experience less enjoyable than it could be.

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