ping pang

I just searched for zombies and vampires on Flickr. No, don't ask me why. Anywho, I don't understand the fascination with the Twilight series. Seriously? It's only because of this guy right here: 

And while I'll be the first to admit that, yes, he is pretty attractive, I am so over the R-Patz phase.

I think I seem to prefer the pasty, dirty, perma-inebriated Robert Pattinson to the suave, "dazzling," immortally vampiric Edward Cullen anyway. But either way, he's got such good bone structure omg! However, his taste in women is questionable. Who likes that K-Stew anyway?

Ok, so anyway monday is a bank holiday here in the LDN which = three day weekend. And meine mutter is taking off tuesday as well so here we are with a FOUR day weekend. Alright, so to take full advantage of this mini-holiday, we are driving to Haworth, Yorkshire. Yes, that Yorkshire.  And the very same Haworth where them Bronte sisters were born.  

Apparently it's gonna rain this weekend. That is either going to make this trip ideal or really shitty. I'm gonna go make some tea and play The Sims.

1 comment:

  1. sorry we couldn't go to Haworth - or the Bronte hood. We will go soon as I'm on the hunt for the love letters between Charlotte and Professor from her days in Brussels.
